Nobody knows where I go I don't know either I only know I'm headed somewhere The word "somewhere" shapes the road ahead The more I walk, the more I create my path The more I create, the more clarity I gain The more clarity I have, the more calm I feel inside I experience inner peace Then, I need no outer confirmation No outer guidance No outer suggestions Only the road unfolding with me Creates the universe for me
Albert Bandura, an American psychologist born in Canada and originator of social cognitive theory is no doubt best known for his modeling study on aggression, referred to as the ‘Bobo doll experiment, which indicates that children can learn behavior through the observation of adults. After passing high school in 1946, Bandura attended a bachelor’s degree at the University of British Columbia and in 1949 graduated with the Bolocon Award in psychology, annually awarded to the outstanding student in psychology. He then did graduate work at the University of Iowa, where he received a master's degree in psychology and a doctorate in clinical psychology. Bandura was the first one to describe that self-efficacy meaning the belief in one’s own capabilities, has an effect on what individuals choose to do, the amount of effort they put into doing it, and the way they feel as they are doing it. Bandura also discovered that learning occurs through those beliefs and through social modeling whic...